A. Principal Investigator
- NASA Grant NSG-363, dealing with nonequilibrium ionization in the presence of electric and magnetic fields (Feb. 1963-June 1967)
- NASA Grant NRG 34-002-027, dealing with study of liquid injection into the shock layer of a reentry vehicle (Sept. 1965-Aug. 1967)
- NASA Grant NGR 34-002-048, dealing with plasma surface interactions (Feb. 1967-Jan. 1970)
- NASA Grant NGR 34-002-115, dealing with CO2 electric discharge lasers (Sept. 1969-Aug. 1972)
- NASA Grant NGR 34-002-117, dealing with Nuclear Induced Plasmas (March 1972-December 1974)
- NSF Grant GK-41610, dealing with high flow electric discharge CO laser systems (February 1974-July 1975)
- NASA Grant NSG 1013, dealing with modeling of slow flow electric discharge CO laser system (April 1974-December 1975)
- DOT Grant DOS-OS-40056, dealing with combustion generated noise (May 1974-June 1981)
- NASA Grant NSG 1058, dealing with nuclear pumped lasers (July 1974-June 1981)
- NASA Cooperative Agreement NCC1-22, dealing with computational fluid dynamics (June 1979-September 1995)
- NASA Cooperative Agreement NCC1-54, dealing with Solar Pumped Lasers (July 1981-December 1982)
- NASA Grant NAG-1-244, dealing with Numerical Solutions of the Complete Navier-Stokes Equations (January 1982-September 1997)
- NASA Grant NGT 34-002-8000 dealing with Solutions of the Time Dependent Euler Equations (June 1983-August 1985)
- NASA Cooperative Agreement NCC1-84 dealing with Physics of Aircraft Wakes (May 1984-December 1986)
- NASA Grant NGT 34-002-8001 dealing with Wind Tunnel Wall Interference Effects (May 1985-December 1987)
- NASA Cooperative Agreement NCC1-112 dealing with Study of the Transitional Flow Regime Using Monte Carlo Methods (March 15, 1987 to October 30, 1998)
- NASA Grant NAG-1-1876 dealing with A New Approach for Determining Onset of Transition (November 1, 1996 to October 31, 1997)
- NASA Grant NGT-1-52154 dealing with a Study of Compressible Turbulence (January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997)
- NASA Grant NGT-1-52177 dealing with Transition Prediction for High Speed Flow (September 3, 1997 to September 2, 1999)
- NIA GRA Dealing with Study of Heating Environment of Vehicles at High Speed, (August 15, 2005 to August 14, 2007)
- NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX08AH07A dealing with Radiative Heating Environment During Planetary Entry, (Feb.6, 2008 to Feb.5, 2010)
- NASA Grant NNX09AM21H dealing with Nonequilibrium Ablation, (Sept. 1, 2009 to Aug. 31, 2011)
B. Co-Principal Investigator
- NASA Grant NAGW-1072 dealing with Hypersonic Aerodynamics (May 1987-May 1992)
- NASA Grant NAGW-1331 dealing with Mars Mission Research (July 1988-June 1996)
- NASA Grant NAG1-1991 dealing with Study of High Lift Configurations (Jan 12, 1998 to Jan 11, 2000) (with J. R. Edwards)
- Sandia National Laboratories, Grant BF-856 and Grant A0350 dealing with Transition/Turbulence Modeling of Hypersonic Flows (Feb. 1999-Oct. 2003) (with J. R. Edwards)
- Taitech, Inc (SBIR Phase II from Air Force Research Lab) dealing with Development of Hybrid LES/URANS Models for Simulating Cavity Flameholder Configurations (May 2000-April 2002) (with J. R. Edwards)
- Army Research Lab Contract TCN 02133 dealing with Dynamically Resolved Simulation of Atmospheric Turbulence Using Advanced Turbulence Models and Adaptive Algorithms ( July 2002-July 2004) ( with D. S. McRae)
- NASA Grant NAG-1-030300 dealing with Modeling Turbulence Combustion for Variable Prandtl and Schmidt Numbers (April 2003-August 2004) (with J. R. Edwards)
- NASA Contract NNL04AA3C dealing with Wing Shape Adaptation using Multiple Flaps for Drag Reduction and Structural Load Alleviation (January 2004-July 2004) ( with A. Gopalarathnam)
- Air Force Contract FA8718-04-C-0019 Dealing with Dynamically Resolved Simulation of Atmospheric Features and Turbulence using Advanced Models and Adaptive Algorithms ( June 2004-Sept 2008) ( with D. S. McRae)
- Air Force Contract FA9109-04-C-0015 dealing with Improved Modeling of the Turbulent Diffusion of Thermal Energy and of Chemical Species in Turbulent, Chemically-Reacting Flow-Field CFD Calculation (August 2004-December 2007) (with X. Xiao)
- NIA Contract dealing with Development of a High Resolution Mesoscale Model for Mars, May 2005 to December 2008. (with D. S. McRae and X. Xiao).
- Subcontract to Colorado Research Associates dealing with New Approaches for Forcast of Optical Turbulence, February 2006 to August 2006, (with D. S. McRae and X. Xiao).
- Subcontract to North West Research Associates dealing with High-Resolution Simulation of Atmospheric Turbulence, April 2007-March 2010, (with D. S. McRae)
- Subcontract to University of Virginia National Center for Hypersonic Combined Cycle Propulsion, August 2009-July 2014, (with J. R. Edwards)